
UMinho Research Team within the GALABRA-Network

COORDINATOR: Carlos Pazos-Justo

CEHUM Members:

Alvaro Iriarte Sanromán, Bernardo Sacanene, Carlos Pazos-Justo, Idalete Dias, Maria João da Cruz Rodrigues Moreira.


Alberto Simões (IPCA), Deolinda de Freitas (MPLN ILCH), Elias J. Torres Feijó (Univ. de Santiago de Compostela), Inês Americano Lopes (MPC ICS), Luís Manuel Lourenço Silva Ascenso (UMinho), Pablo Gamallo Otero (Univ. de Santiago de Compostela), Pablo Varela Branco, Roberto Samartim (Univ da Corunha), Zósimo López (Univ. Internacional de La Rioja)

The Galabra-UMinho research team mainly develops research on cultural speeches and practices within the community, focusing on the Portuguese-speaking communities in particular.

The research team promotes quantitative and qualitative methodological procedures (NLP [Natural Language Processing], lexicometry, text mining, information visualization, imagology, etc.) developing field and corpus work, on the basic systemic theories, field research, network analysis and empirical analysis, with its own development and adapted to the different realities within the scope of the research team.

Galabra-UMinho is guided by its social commitment and investigative autonomy, thus perceiving research as a public service. The goals of this research group aim at providing answers to the local community’s needs (cohesion, well-being, sustainability, etc).

The Team Galabra-UMinho wishes to progress in fundamental research, developing and applying new methods and tools for language and culture analysis, as well as reproducing, assessing results and, eventually, producing results that differ from those achieved in other works, that followed the same methodological guidelines and the same corpora, a somewhat rare practice in this area.

Galabra-UMinho research team is part of the Galabra Network, which is shared by other teams and researchers both in Galicia, Portugal, and in Brazil. Within the scope of the Galabra Network, the work carried out by the Team will focus essentially on research projects that aim at contributing to the projects related with the linguistic-cultural patrimony and tourism, scopes within which Galabra is already experienced, with completed and current projects.


- Project submitted in 2017

"Applying words and multiword expressions in the construction of resources for tourism management on the Portuguese Way of St. James";

Coord. Álvaro Iriarte S.

Application for financing submitted to FCT - Portugal 2020 (not approved).

- Project submitted in april, 2019:

"Samayonga: Processamento Computacional de Línguas Faladas em Angola";

Investigator-in-charge: Joaquim Melo Henriques de Macedo (IT Department of University of Minho);

Application CIRCNA/CIS/0345/2019 ao concurso 'Projetos de Investigação Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico no âmbito das Comemorações do V Centenário da Viagem de Circum-Navegação - 2019' (FCT)

- Phd project of Bernardo Sacanene:

"Analysis and functioning of Angolanisms in the Portuguese lexicon";

PhD in Language Sciences - Applied Linguistics; 2017 - 2019;

Financing: Angolan Government.

- MA Thesis of Deolinda de Freitas (2019):

"Impacts of the Caminho de Santiago in Chaves. Cultural perspective".

Universidade do Minho, Mestrado em Português Língua Não Materna Defended in 18/01/2019.


- MA Thesis of Inês Americano Lopes (ongoing):

"Analysis and identification of speeches, patrimonial practices and Stakeholders in the Portuguese Coastal Way for Santiago de Compostela".

Universidade do Minho, Mestrado em Património Cultural (ICS)

- "Narratives, uses and consumption of visitors as allies or threats to the welfare of the local community: the case of Santiago de Compostela". Ref: FFI2017-88196-R, parcialmente subsidiado pelo Ministerio de Industria, Economía y Competitividad espanhol no quadro do Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (2018-2022). Coord. Elias Torres Feijo (University of Santiago de Compostela).


Networks :

Rede GALABRA (Grupo de Estudos da Cultura [Galiza/Portugal/África/Brasil]): Galabra – USC (Universidade da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; Galiza-Espanha)
Galabra-UMinho (Universidade do Minho; Portugal)
Galabra-UFG (Universidade Federal de Goiás; Brasil)


- Consórcio EMLex - European Master in Lexicography [ Erasmus Mundus (2016 - )] (March 2012 - to date)



- January 2017

Organization of the I Colloquium International Galabra \ Tecendo Rede. Senses, applications and cooperation in research in human and social sciences.

CEHUM / Universidade do Minho; January 9-10, 2017. Financing: CEHUM.


- May 2019

Exhibition «A City, the Way, and Us». May 3 to June 18, 2019

Jardins da Ferradura, Santiago de Compostela

Website 1 | Website 2

- January 2020

Organization of the IV Meeting of the Galabra Network.