
Research Team on artistic studies


CEHUM Members:

Ana Sofia Monteiro da Silva, Ariane Rovesse de Alencar Freitas, Catarina Real, Cátia Faísco, Célia Oliveira, Clara Alcobia Coelho, Cláudia Sofia Rocha Rosário, Cláudio Mappa Reis, Daniela Mota Silva, Diana Neiva, Dora Rodrigues, Eduardo Daniel Martins Baltar Soares, Elisa Maria Maia da Silva Lessa, Everton Samuel dos Santos Melo, Francesca Rayner, Francisco Barbosa, Helena Isabel Faria Venda Lima, José Eduardo Silva, Luciano Inácio da Silva Sales, Luís Pipa, Maria Filomena Pereira Rodrigues Louro, Maria Inês Ribeiro Tavares Ferreira, Maria Teresa Curado Amaral, Miguel Lessa Lopes Simões, Nuno Costa, Rafael Araújo, Ricardo iván Barceló Abeijón, Rui Gama, Sofia dos Santos Rodrigues, Tales Frey, Tiago Morais Ribeiro de Sousa, Tiago Porteiro, Vera Fonte, Vitor Hugo Ferreira de Matos, Vítor Moura.


Afonso Becerra, Arthur Belloni, Fadi Skeiker, José Capela, Maria Teresa Curado Amaral, Nuno M. Cardoso, Pedro Moreira, Rogério Nuno Costa.

The Research Group in Artistic Studies (GIArtes) was created in 2019 and includes two nuclei, the Research Nucleus in Performance Studies (NIEP) and the Research Nucleus in Music (NIM). The group’s main objective is to contribute towards the greater visibility of Artistic Studies within CEHUM and to promote research and artistic creation in this area. The group’s activities include publications, the organization of conferences, lecture cycles, exhibitions, the edition of CD’s and performances within the national and international context. The group includes more experienced Senior researchers as well as Junior researchers within Masters, Doctorate and Post-Doctorate programmes.

Research Group in Performance Studies

Formed in 2017, the Research Team in Performance Studies (GIEP) aims to reflect the diversity of national and international research in this area and contribute towards its development through publications, colloquia, seminars, performances and exhibitions. The team includes more senior researchers with several publications in the performing arts, young researchers enrolled on doctoral and post-doctoral programmes and artist-researchers who combine research and creative practice. This diversity aims to encourage the sharing of experiences between different generations of researchers and between university researchers and artists inside and outside the university.

The team’s main objectives are to contribute towards a greater visibility for Perfromance Studies within the work of CEHUM as well as to disseminate the academic work developed by its members in national and international publications, performances and seminars.

Research Group in Music

The RESEARCH GROUP IN MUSICS approaches the musical text and its contextualization from diverse perspectives, especially from the lenses of historical, interpretative and compositional studies. It also includes research on Music in connection with other Arts. The group integrates more experienced researchers with various publications in these areas and researchers from master's and PhD programs. It aims to promote the development of transdisciplinary research in the fields of Creation, Performance and Artistic Research, Historical and Cultural Studies, Ethnomusicology and Studies in Artistic Education.