Going Romance 2024

4th December - 6th December 2024
Location: Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Going Romance is the European conference series that focuses on Romance languages from the perspective of contemporary linguistic theory. Over three decades, Going Romance has established itself as the premier European forum for leading-edge research on Romance languages with theoretical significance. The 38th edition of Going Romance will be hosted by the Centro de Estudos Humanísticos at the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal, from December 4 to 6, 2024. We look forward to welcoming you!

Invited Speakers

Pilar Barbosa

Universidade do Minho

Teresa Espinal

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Marina Vigário

Universidade de Lisboa

Carmen Parafita Couto

Universiteit Leiden

Confirmed workshop on
Theoretical Approaches to Code-Switching in Romance


To be announced


The registration fees include coffee-breaks during the three days of the conference. This conference is held on site, with no online transmission.

Type Price
Student, early bird 70€
Student, late bird 90€
Faculty, early bird 140€
Faculty, late bird 160€
Dinner 40€

Registration dates

Early bird: until October 15, 2024
Late bird: December 3, 2024
Payment details are available at the end of the registration form.

Information for presenters

For presenters: Please make sure that you upload your presentation during the break before your presentation slot.
For poster presenters: We suggest to print the poster in A1 format. The material to hang the poster on the board will be provided.

Call for Papers

Call for Papers will be open from March 15, extended to July 30, 2024.

We encourage submissions of papers at the intersection of linguistic theory and the Romance languages. Beyond this general tenet, there are no specific requirements as to the topic, the subdiscipline, the approach or the methodology, for the main session.
Submissions for the workshop should focus on theoretical dimensions of code-switching in bilingual communities where at least one of the languages in contact is a Romance language.

Oral presentations will be 20 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes for discussion. Please indicate in your submission whether your abstract should be considered for the main session or for the workshop. For main session submissions, please indicate also whether your paper is to be considered for oral or poster presentation. For the workshop we only accept oral presentations.

We will notify the authors by September 15, 2024.

Submission guidelines

Abstracts should be anonymous (both in the body of the text and in the filename) and no longer than two pages A4, including references and examples, with 2.5 cm margins, font size 12, single-spaced. Submissions are limited to a maximum of one individual and one joint abstract per author (or two joint abstracts) for the entire conference.


The conference will take place at the University of Minho, Building 2 (Edifício 2), Auditorium B2 (ground floor).

Accommodation & Transportation

There is a wide choice of hotels in Braga. Here is a document with a list of nearby hotels.


Scientific committee

Cristina Flores
Clara Setas
Carina Eira
Liliana Correia

With the support of: