COORDINATOR: António Freitas
CEHUM Members:
Adriano Milho Cordeiro, Alexandra Maria Lafaia Machado Abranches, Ana Catarina Brito Monteiro, Andréia Márcia de Castro Galvão, Angelo Martingo, António José Gonçalves de Freitas, César Aires Oliveira Melo Nunes Viana, Cláudia Barros, Filipe Abraão Martins Do Couto, Francisco Manuel Marques, Georgina Abreu, Hugo Filipe Machado, Idilio Manuel de Oliveira Nunes, Inês Tadeu Freitas Gonçalves, Jaime Costa, Joanne Madin Vieira Paisana, Jorge C. Pereira, Manuel Gama, Marilene Campos Dias do Rêgo, Mário Matos, Nadejda Ivanovna Nagovitsina Machado, Niceia Nicole Costa Oliveira, Paula Alexandra Guimarães , Virgínia Conceição Soares Pereira, Viviane Almeida.
Andreia Sarabando (UA), Fernando Augusto Machado (UM), Leonor Cordeiro, Luís Miguel Teixeira Pereira (UM), Sérgio Lorré Vieira Pinto, Tiago Cerejeira Fontes (UM).
The Research Team on Transcultural Studies (NETCult), created in 2010, is the result of the gathering of wills of a team of researchers representing three of the main areas of research of the Center for Humanistic Studies of the University of Minho (CEHUM). NETCult intends to create a common ground for reflection and study under the explicit transcultural perspective inherent to the school and to the research center to which it belongs. Consequently, it is expected that NETCult becomes both an aggregating factor for the research based upon innovative and consistent methodologies that its members have been producing and as a driving force behind future projects featuring diverse areas of knowledge and fields of specialization.
Giving voice to this distinctly transnational and multicultural matrix, the members of this team come from the different departments of culture and languages that constitute the Institute of Arts and Humanities, namely from: Portuguese and Lusophone Studies, Romance Studies, English and North-American Studies, from the German and Slavic Studies Department and from the Department of Philosphy. NETCult is open to other researchers and areas of research.
The transdepartamental, multilinguistic and pluricultural makeup of NETCult not only fosters but also strengthens theoretical reflection and the development of research projects on the most diverse transcultural phenomena recurring to an inherently inter and transdiciplinary methodology.
In a “World-Culture" (Lipovetsky/Serroy) progressively characterized by global, physical and telematic mobility, of goods, persons and ideas in which all types of national and socio-cultural borders are undermined, the above mentioned features of NETCult provide, at once, the best conditions to develop, among others, the following research fields:
Beyond developing research projects in the areas mentioned, NETCult has as its aim not only to seek national and international exchange with other scientific communities focused on transcultural studies, but also to make available to a wider audience its research findings and to offer research co-operation to non-academic communities.
Activities organized by NETCult
Conceptualization of the MoMeL-project Mobility and Local Memory: Intercultural Representations of the Minho Region
International Conference "Transnational Perceptions and Representations of the Carnation Revolution", 23th April, University of Minho (Publication)
International Conference "Transcultural Amnesia: Mapping Displaced Memories", 16-18th April, University of Minho
(Website | Publication)
Within the 19th Colóquio de Outono, NETCult organized the panel: “Intercultural Representations of Religious Sites of Memory"
Within the 20th Colóquio de Outono, NETCult organized these two panels: “Thinking on War and Peace" and “Transnational landmarks in the struggle for freedom of expression"