
Employment Stimulus 2024-09-09

Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus

The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) has published the call for the Individual Scientific Employment Stimulus (7th Edition).

National, foreign and stateless PhD holders in any scientific area who wish to carry out scientific research or technological development activities in Portugal may apply.

The candidate must indicate which level/category of doctoral researcher he/she is applying for, within the two levels open for competition:

Application Deadline: Applications must be submitted between September 30 and November 29, 2024 (by 17:00, Lisbon time), in English, through the myFCT portal.

The Centre for Humanistic Studies (CEHUM) will welcome applications that align with the centre's scientific strategy and one of its research groups: https//

Researchers wishing to choose CEHUM as their host institution must send their proposals for preliminary review by September 22, 2024, to the following email address:, with the subject line: FCT CEECI 2024 + [candidate's name], along with the following elements in English:
  1. Full name
  2. Science ID
  3. Project title
  4. Project summary (objectives, methodology, expected outcomes)
  5. Alignment with the objectives and CEHUM's research group
  6. Curriculum Vitae