Publication 2019-05-30
Journal on Digital Humanities
We are pleased to announce the publication of the first issue of CEHUM's new online journal on Digital Humanities (Revista Humanidades Digitais / H2D).
Looking on the Digital Humanities as an interdiscipline, the H2D journal fits into a new action paradigm where the digital media have become a major source for new methods and practices of production and application of knowledge in the social and human sciences (Linguistics, Literature, Culture, Philosophy, History, etc.).
In this context of interdisciplinary dialogue, this journal invites the academic and non-academic community to submit research papers, accounts of experiences/pedagogical projects, presentations of technological tools/resources and other contributions aimed at the promotion of the Humanities through a path of (self-)discovery aided by technology. The papers will be published in two annual volumes, one per semester.
Digital Humanities Research Group (GHD) of the Center for Humanistic Studies of the University of Minho (CEHUM).
Antonio Lafuente García (CSIC, Espanha)
Domenico Fiormonte (Universidade Roma Tre, Itália) Jorge Barrero Fonticoba (COTEC, Espanha) Juan Freire (Instituto Tecnológico e de Estudos Superiores de Monterrey, México).