COORDINATOR: Sérgio Paulo Guimarães de Sousa

CEHUM Members:

Ana Maria Silva Ribeiro, António Carlos Cortez, Carlos Mendes de Sousa, Isabel Cristina Mateus, Manuella Bezerra de Melo, Mariana Killner, Marijn Brouckaert, Micaela Ramon, Pedro Meneses, Rafaela Cardeal , Sérgio Paulo Guimarães de Sousa, Vitor Ribeiro, YING HAN.


Carolina da Silva Macedo Braz (MPLNM), Guilherme Zaccaro de Oliveira Freitas dos Reis (MTLLL), Joana Mafalda Pires Leite (MPLNM), Leomaris Wunderwald Aires (UFSC), Manuella Bezerra de Melo Martins (MTLLL), Patrícia Gouvêa Aguiar Rocha (MTLLL), Priscila Cristina dos Santos (MPLNM).

Aline Duque Erthal (Universidade Federal Fluminense), Claire Williams (Universidade de Oxford), Clara Crabbé Rocha (FCSH - Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Evelyn Blaut Fernandes (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Graça dos Santos (Universidade Paris X Nanterre), Julio Castañon Guimarães (Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa – Rio de Janeiro), Maria Araújo Silva (Universidade Paris-Sorbonne - Paris IV), Rita Patrício (IELT - NOVA FCSH), Rui Miranda (Universidade de Nottingham).

The Research Team on Portuguese Language Poetics is constituted by researchers from the Centre for Humanistic Studies of the University of Minho and by external researchers with renowned academic work within the framework of Portuguese Studies, integrating postgraduate students working on their dissertations and theses in this area.

The team strives to pursue research within the scope of Portuguese Studies in order to generate specialised bibliography, which is significant both nationwide and at international level, as well as being committed to organising colloquia, seminars and conference series periodically that will contribute to furthering meaningful scientific development of this area of studies. The team’s activity also aims to promote the interaction with the extramural community through the revitalisation of promotion actions before a wider audience, of the literatures and cultures in Portuguese in multiple contexts.

The collaborative research undertaken by the Research Team integrates new critical approaches in the studies of Portuguese language literature, allowing for the revision of part of the inherited knowledge and the production of new readings of the topics under analysis; thus, on the one hand it ensures frontline research in each particular field and, on the other hand, its openness to other new critical insights, arising from the intersection of topics of analysis between the different objects involved.

Within the scope of the team’s action, the current projects are in progress:

1) ”Correspondences” / “Correspondências”

2) ”Common Literary Canon of the Portuguese Language” / “Cânone Literário Comum da Língua Portuguesa”

3) ”Autobiography and Interculturality: Maria Ondina Braga” / “Autobiografia e interculturalidade: Maria Ondina Braga”