
Kuniko Ukai

Academic degree: Doutoramento

Professional category: Prof. Auxiliar

Research group(s):


Phone: 253604171


ORCID: -------------------

Institutional address:

Departamento de Estudos Asiáticos, Instituto de Letras de Ciências Humanas
Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057  Braga

Short bionote:

Born in Fukuoka, Japan

Studied Chinese and Chinese literature at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Studied modern Chinese at the Chinese language Institute attached to Furen University, Taiwan
Studied Sinology and theory of literature at Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands

Research interests:

Classical Chinese literature,, Theory of literature.


2008 Ph.D Classical Chinese Literature Sinologisch Instituut, Leiden University, the Netherlands

1988 Master degree Sinology idem “with praise” that is,19/20 according to the Portuguese system

1980 Bachelors Degree Sinology idem “with much pleasure” that is,17 /18 according to the Portuguese system.

Professional experience:

Professora Convidada equiparada a Professora Auxiliar , Licenciatura em Estudos Orientais: Estudos Chineses e Japoneses, the Minho University, 2012-today

Leitor, Oriental Studies, the Minho university, from 2007-2012

Professora Convidada equiparada a Professora Auxiliar , Postgraduate program of Asian studies and cursos livres, Porto University, from 2004 to 2007

Researcher, Sinologisch Instituut, Leiden University, the Netherlands, 1988-1992.

Teacher Japanese language and literature, International School of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 1983-1988.

Institutional positions:




  • “The Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry: Literal or Free?” in Génesis Revista Científica do ISAI, 2005, pp.50-64.

Proceedings papers

  • “Geografia da China” in A Herança de Confúcio, Dez ensaios sobre a China, Edições Húmus, Organização: Sun Lam, 2013, Famalicão, Portugal, pp.95 - 137.
  • “Introdução à Literatura Chinesa” in A Herança de Confúcio, Dez ensaios sobre a China, Edições Húmus, Organização: Sun Lam, 2013, Famalicão, Portugal, pp.271 - 325.
  • “The reception of the theory of thinking in images in the reading of classical Chinese poetry during the early post-Mao period: Li He (791-817) as a test case” in Words from the West, Leiden, 1993, pp.61-85.

Other publications

  • PhD thesis; “Songs of a Hidden Orchid” Yuefu and Gexing by Li He (791-817); 2008, three vols. On-Line available at the library of Leiden University, The Netherlands

Participação em eventos

  • Seminário (Por convite)

    Lecture on Shinto (the indigenous Japanese religion), at Museu de Oriente 2010

  • Colóquio/Congresso

    : “Some Problems of Translating Classical Chinese Poetry into Western Languages”, paper contributed to the ISAI’s 11th Annual Conference on Translation, Porto, 2004.