
Marijn Brouckaert

Academic degree: Mestrado

Professional category: Investigador (com bolsa)

Research group(s):



ORCID: 0000-0002-9005-5405

Short bionote:

A Master in Children's Literature in Barcelona brought Marijn Brouckaert to Buenos Aires, where IBBY Argentina took him under the wing. Since then he has traveled with 'the ambulant circus of children's literature' to international fairs and conferences. First as a participant and then as a speaker. He shares his experiences with Shared Reading, a method in which through stories a connection is made between participants in prisons, youth protection centers, psychiatry, retirement homes, but also schools and libraries. He is at home in the library sector of Brussels and A Coruña, where he was looking for ways to interweave neighborhood and library, working both behind the counter and on a management level. Marijn currently lives in Portugal where he is conducting a PhD research on Shared Reading at Universidade do Minho.

Research interests:

Mediação no cruzamento entre impacto literário e social, Dinâmicas de grupo e formação do leitor individual, Literatura em processos de integração e de coesão social, Literatura e diversidade, O papel da ilustração entre narrativa e arte (interpretação e percepção visual).



  • Brouckaert, M. (2012). ‘Drowning ideology’: The rewriting of 18th century shipwreck stories for the 20th century youth. In: Anuario de Investigación en Literatura Infantil y Juvenil 10, p. 9-22 ISSN 1578-6072

Proceedings papers

  • Brouckaert, M. (2017). “Some Experiences with Shared Reading: Prisons, Schools, and Libraries”. In: Livro de atas do 20th European Conference on Literacy e de 6º Foro iberoamericano sobre Literacidad y Aprendizaje, p. 17-28, ISBN 978-84-697-7919-4.
  • Brouckaert, M. (2017). “Se acepta pago en especie - ¿cómo conseguir que los no-usuarios hagan uso de la biblioteca comunitaria?”. In: Livro de atas do 20th European Conference on Literacy e de 6º Foro iberoamericano sobre Literacidad y Aprendizaje, p. 1647-1653, ISBN 978-84-697-7919-4.

Participação em eventos

  • Curso breve/Workshop

    Brouckaert, Marijn, 'Workshop: Shared Reading Session' in '23rd European Conference on Literacy & '7th Panhellenic Literacy Conference', June 25th 2024, Minoa Palace Resort Hotel (The Board of the Hellenic Association for Language and Literacy & FELA, Chania, Greece) []

  • Colóquio/Congresso

    Brouckaert, Marijn; Ramón, Micaela, Dionísio, Maria De Lourdes, 'Reading mediation beyond asking the right type of questions' in '23rd European Conference on Literacy & '7th Panhellenic Literacy Conference', June 25th 2024, Minoa Palace Resort Hotel (The Board of the Hellenic Association for Language and Literacy & FELA, Chania, Greece) []

  • Colóquio/Congresso (Por convite)

    Dionísio, Maria De Lourdes; Carvalho, Jose Antonio; Balça, Angela;Fraga, Fernando; Brouckaert, Marijn, 'Reading dispositions of Portuguese university students' in '23rd European Conference on Literacy & '7th Panhellenic Literacy Conference', June 24th 2024, Minoa Palace Resort Hotel (The Board of the Hellenic Association for Language and Literacy & FELA, Chania, Greece) []

  • Curso breve/Workshop (Por convite)

    Brouckaert, Marijn, 'Workshop: Applying the Conversation Analytic Role-play Method (CARM) with Shared Reading Mediators' in 'intervision session of Shared Reading mediators of Avansa', January 21st 2023, De Krook (Avansa, Ghent, Belgium) []

  • Colóquio/Congresso

    Brouckaert, M., 'Collaborative meaning-making during a Shared Reading session: blurring the lines between mediator and participants'. In 'European Conference on Literacy', 2022, DCU (Federation of European Literacy Associations, Dublin, Ireland).

  • Curso breve/Workshop (Por convite)

    Brouckaert, M., 'Workshop de leitura Partilhada'. In 'Seminário ao Lanche', 2022, UMinho, Braga, Portugal.

  • Colóquio/Congresso

    Brouckaert, M., 'Creative cacophony: productive overlaps and interruptions during book discussions'. In '14th IBBY Regional Conference', 2022, Vanderbilt University (USBBY, Nashville, USA)

  • Colóquio/Congresso (Por convite)

    Brouckaert, Marijn, Some thoughts on Shared Reading. In 'Aesthetic and Pedagogic Entanglements', October 25th, IRSCL, Santiago de Chile, Chile (Online) []

  • Colóquio/Congresso (Por convite)

    Brouckaert, Marijn (September 2021). Some experiences with shared reading: youth protection centers, prisons, schools, and libraries. In 37th IBBY World Congress. September 11th 2021, Moscow, Russia.

  • Curso breve/Workshop (Por convite)

    Brouckaert, Marijn (September 2021). 'Workshop Experimenta a leitura partilhada'. In 'Retiro de fim de verao - CEHUM', September 7th 2021, Mosteiro de Tibães, Tibães, Portugal.

  • Colóquio/Congresso (Por convite)

    Brouckaert, Marijn (November, 2020). Some thoughts on Shared Reading. Online presentation for "Ibby Congress 2021: Electives" November 27th, Moscow, Russia.

  • Colóquio/Congresso (Por convite)

    Brouckaert, Marijn (October, 2019). Shared Reading: A Glimpse Into the Interactions During Reading Groups with Inmates and With Youngsters. In 'The Shape of Hope: Finding Wonder, Joy, and Strength in Children's Literature', October 25-27 2019, AT&T Executive Education and Conference center, Austin, USA.

  • Seminário (Por convite)

    Brouckaert, Marijn (June 2019). 'Vivencias de "LECTURA COMPARTIDA" en Bélxica (bibliotecas, escolas, cárceres...)'. In 'XII Xornada de Cubs de Lectura’, June 7th 2019. Escola Galega da Administración Pública, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

  • Colóquio/Congresso (Por convite)

    Brouckaert, Marijn (July 2017). 'Some Experiences with Shared Reading: Prisons, Schools, and Libraries'. In ‘20th European Conference on Literacy’ and ‘6º Foro iberoamericano sobre Literacidad y Aprendizaje’. 3-6 July 2017, Asociación Española de Lectura y Escritura AELE, Madrid, Spain.

  • Colóquio/Congresso (Por convite)

    Brouckaert, Marijn (July 2017). 'Se acepta pago en especie - ¿cómo conseguir que los no-usuarios hagan uso de la biblioteca comunitaria?'. In ‘20th European Conference on Literacy’ and ‘6º Foro iberoamericano sobre Literacidad y Aprendizaje’. 3-6 July 2017, Asociación Española de Lectura y Escritura AELE, Madrid, Spain.

  • Colóquio/Congresso (Por convite)

    Brouckaert, Marijn. Mesa redonda de promotores de leitura na conferença ‘Diez años de literatura infantil y juvenil’. GRETEL, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Barcelona, Espanha, 2016)

  • Colóquio/Congresso

    Brouckaert, Marijn (November 2010). 'Drowning ideology: The rewriting of 18th century shipwreck stories for the 20th century youth'. In ‘Adaptation: a chance for Development or a Threat of Decline of Children’s and Young Adults’ Literature?’ („Adaptacje w literaturze dla dzieci”). 17-20 November 2010, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wrocław, Polonia.


  • 2022 - Associação Portuguesa para a Literacia (Littera)

  • 2021 - LEA ! (Lire en Europe Aujourd’hui)

    LEA! (Lire en Europe Aujourd’hui | Reading in Europe Today) is an international network, created on December 2007, which brings together professors, lecturers and/or researchers from Belgium, Hungary, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Portugal thus drawing a true North-South axis of European research. In face of what was called, too hastily, the “decline” of the Human Sciences, reflected throughout Europe through institutional situations, often critical, these researchers who met frequently during other exchange programs or that are currently associated to other projects wished to join forces to contribute to the international spreading of literature and literary studies. The research group LEA! intends to emphasize on theoretical research and continuing education, and is therefore particularly open to young researchers and PhD students interested in these issues.