
Tomoko Yaginuma

Academic degree: Doutoramento

Professional category: Prof. Auxiliar

Research group(s):


CIÊNCIA ID: C71B-913F-0D06


Institutional address:

Departamento de Estudos Asiáticos
Escola de Letras, Artes e Ciências Humanas
Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga

Short bionote:

Tomoko Yaginuma is currently an invited professor equivalent to Assistant Professor in Department of Asian Studies, School of Letters, Arts and Human Sciences, University of Minho, Portugal. She teaches Modern Japanese and Culture of Japan in the Undergraduate course of Oriental Studies: Chinese and Japanese Studies. She holds a PhD degree in Cultural Studies, specializing in representation and reception of Japanese culture, with the thesis entitled "Imagining Japan from Far-West: Social Representations of Japan and the Japanese among Portuguese students". Her major scientific areas are Cultural Studies, Sociology, Film Studies and Japanese Studies.

Research interests:

Social representations of Japan and the Japanese, Japanese as a Foreign Language, Culture of Japan.


2021 PhD in Cultural Studies, University of Minho, Portugal

2001 MSc in Computer Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, UK.

2000 MA in Film Studies, Department of Modern Languages, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

1994 Bachelor of Literature in Sociology, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Chiba University, Japan.

Professional experience:

2021 - present: Invited Professor equivalent to Assistant Professor in Department of Asian Studies, School of Letters, Arts and Human Sciences, University of Minho, Portugal

2015-2021: Lecturer in Department of Asian Studies, School of Letters, Arts and Human Sciences, University of Minho, Portugal


  • 2022 - ... (Membro)

    Empirical studies on VR communication space in remote cross-cultural discussions

    Colaboradora do projeto na área do ensino de língua japonesa “Empirical studies on VR communication space in remote cross-cultural discussions” 2022-2024, coordenado por Universidade de Kanazawa, Japão (Prof. Miho Fukagawa), financiado por “Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science”.
  • 2015 - 2017 (Membro)

    VIA LACTEA “Viable International Academic Links across Cultural Ties in Europe and Asia”

    Colaboradora do projeto VIA LACTEA “Viable International Academic Links across Cultural Ties in Europe and Asia” 2014-2017, financiado pela Agência Executiva da Educação, do Audiovisual e da Cultura, da Comissão Europeia. As universidades do Minho, Santiago de Compostela, Kanazawa e Aichi Prefectural (ambas no Japão) participaram na rede VIA LACTEA. (


Proceedings books

  • Fukagawa, M., Kawamoto, K., Yaginuma, T., & Higashi, A. (2024). Effectiveness of discussion technologies for cross-cultural understanding: Video conferencing and virtual reality. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) (pp. 318–321). Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.

Book chapters

  • Yaginuma, T. (2019) The images of the Japanese held by Japanese-learning
    students in Portugal. In J. Teixeira, H. Kawabata & I. G. Sá (Eds.), 
    Relações entre a península Ibérica e o Japão: Dos déc. XVI aos dias de hoje (pp. 55-80). Húmus.

Proceedings papers

  • Yaginuma, T. (2020). Awareness toward diversity of Japanese culture: the images about Japan and Japanese people held by JFL students as a starting point. In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium of Association of Japanese Professors in Spain. Alicante. (in Japanese)

Organização de eventos

Participação em eventos

  • Colóquio/Congresso

    Tomoko Yaginuma, 'Imagining Japan from Far-West: a case study about the perceptions of Japanese culture in Portugal.' In the 3rd EAJS Conference in Japan, 14 Sep 2019, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan. [URL:]

  • Colóquio/Congresso

    Tomoko Yaginuma “Awareness toward diversity of Japanese culture: the images about Japan and Japanese people held by JFL students as a starting point”. In 5th Symposium of Association of Japanese Professors in Spain. 15 Jun 2019, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain. []

  • Colóquio/Congresso

    Tomoko Yaginuma “The Images of Japan and the Japanese People: A Case of Japanese as a Foreign Language Students in Portugal”. ICACSS 2018 : 20th International Conference on Anthropological, Cultural and Sociological, 10 Sep 2018, Tokyo, Japan

  • Seminário (Por convite)

    Tomoko Yaginuma “Studying about Japan and Social Representations about Japan”. Lecture in the course of "Media and Contemporary Cultures" in the graduation of Communication Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, 12 Apr 2018, Braga, Portugal.

  • Colóquio/Congresso

    Tomoko Yaginuma "The images of the Japanese held by Japanese learning students in Portugal". In Colóquio "Relações entre a Península Ibérica e o Japão: do século XVI aos dias de hoje". 7 Mar 2017, Instituto de Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal.


  • 2020 - Membro de Associação de Professores de Japonês em Portugal

    2023- Presidente da direção da Associação
  • 2019 - Membro de Asociación de Profesores de Japonés en España

  • 2017 - Member of European Association for Japanese Studies