Academic degree: Mestrado
Professional category: Investigador (sem bolsa)
Research group(s):
CIÊNCIA ID: A214-7972-B533
Short bionote:
Ana Monteiro is a PhD candidate in English literature at the University of Minho, where she also teaches English language and literature. Her research focuses on affect and mortality awareness in early modern poetry. She holds an MA in English literature from the University of Minho and a BA in English from the University of Lisbon.
Research interests:
Early modern literature, Poetry and poetics, Emotions research, Death studies, Women's literature.
PhD in English Literature, University of Minho (in progress)
MA in English Literature, University of Minho
BA in English, University of Lisbon
Professional experience:
Lecturer, University of Minho (2019-present)
Institutional positions:
PhD Cohort Representative, CEHUM (2023-present)
Non-Doctoral Faculty Representative, Department of English and American Studies (2023-present)
2018 - ... (Membro)
PhD Thesis
"The Consciousness of Mortality and the Emotions in Early Modern English Poetry" Advisor: Paula Alexandra Guimarães (ELACH, University of Minho)
2015 - 2017 (Membro)
MA Dissertation
"Melancholy and the Poetic Self in Early Modern Women's Poetry" Advisor: Paula Alexandra Guimarães (ELACH, University of Minho)
2024/05/23 | Braga | UMinho
XX Jornadas do DEINA - Revolutions in English
2023/09/07 - 2023/09/08 | Museu Nogueira da Silva | Braga
Retiro de Verão CEHUM
2022/07/14 - 2022/07/15 | Universidade do Minho, Braga | CEHUM
As Revoluções Liberais de 1820 e o Seu Impacto na Cultura Literária
2021/04/15 - 2021/04/16 | Universidade do Minho, Braga | CEHUM
Mobilidades e Memórias Transculturais
Curso breve/Workshop (Por convite)
Monteiro, A. “When Words Fail: Experimenting with sound, sight and structure in poetry,” In XIX Jornadas do DEINA, 15 May 2023, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal.
Seminário (Por convite)
Monteiro. A. (2021, December). The Consciousness of Mortality and the Emotions in Early Modern English Poetry. Project presented at CEHUM Tea Seminars, University of Minho.
Monteiro. A. (2021, September). The Consciousness of Mortality and the Emotions in Early Modern English Poetry. Poster presented at the CEHUM Late Summer Retreat, Mosteiro de Tibães, Braga.
Monteiro, A. ‘Other Edens: Nostalgia for the Future in Fashioning a Memory of Empire in Renaissance English Poetry’ in Transcultural Mobilities and Memories International Conference, 15-16 April 2021, CEHUM, University of Minho
Monteiro, A. 'Melancholy and the Poetic Self in Early Modern English Women’s Poetry'. In 'III Jornadas de Investigadores Juniores', 1 e 2 de junho de 2017, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal.
Monteiro, A. 'Poetic Identity and the Transformed Traditions of Melancholy in English Women’s Poetry'. In 'Jornadas de Inglês', 18 de abril de 2016, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal.