Here you will find open access resources, produced within the scope of various research projects by CEHUM members over the past few years.
Perfil Sociolinguístico da Fala Bracarense - POS is a manually verified part-of-speech annotation of the EXMARaLDA transcriptions in "Perfil Sociolinguístico da Fala Bracarense".
Coord.: Pilar Barbosa | Website
Gallery of images, literary portraits, news blog, and bibliographical and web information pertaining to the research project on Portrait and Identity representations.
Coord.: Eunice Ribeiro | Website
Project on Literary Portrait coordinated by University of Zaragoza, in collaboration with researchers from CEHUM.
Coord.: Eunice Ribeiro e Xaquín Núñez | Website
Creative archive of the theatre collective TEATRO DO FRIO - free access to books, CDs and films, resultant from their performative research project.
Coord.: José Eduardo Silva & Natasha Bulha | Website
Database: ontology of Portuguese newspapers’ press clippings regarding minorities, that includes article corpora, comments and images.
Coord.: Paulo Martins & Leandro Costa & José Carlos Ramalho | Website
Perfil Sociolinguístico da Fala Bracarense is a Portuguese speech corpus with 90 hours of recorded spontaneous speech, aligned with its transcription in EXMARaLDA format. The corpus is composed by 1h interviews with speakers of the same area (around Braga, Portugal), stratified according to sex, age and level of education.
Coord.: Pilar Barbosa | Website
Hispanic micro fiction database.
Coord.: Xaquín Núñez | Website
Database from the Project “O Poder das Narrativas, as Narrativas do Poder” (The Power of Narratives, Narratives of Power).
Coord.: Ana Gabriela Macedo | Website
Open-source software for testing language patterns recognition.
Coord.: Paulo Martins & Ana Paula Soares | Website
Open-source: tool for dynamic extraction and visual representation of character relationships from books.
Coord.: Paulo Martins | Website
Open-source software: prototype for a pedagogical videogame able to teach children a new language.
Coord.: Paulo Martins | Website
Python scripts for manipulation of EXB and TMX files.
Coord.: Paulo Martins | Website
Open-source software: building a linguistic IDE (Integrated Development Environment). At the moment it is in the early stages, incorporating a basic dictionary and Radix Trees (Patricia Trie).
Coord.: Paulo Martins | Website
Open-source app: automatic calculator for the widely known Collatz Conjecture.
Coord.: Paulo Martins | Website
Open-source app: platform to promote creative writing and to collect samples from texts for children and young adults
Coord.: Sílvia Araújo & Paulo Martins | Website
Digital assets from the Portuguese author Maria Ondina Braga.
Coord.: Idalete Dias & Duarte Carvalho | Website