2020-12-16 - 2020-12-16
Scientific get together
Tea Seminars 2020-21 - 2nd Session
CEHUM’s Conference Room and Zoom (online), 15pm
"A Neurociência da Linguagem e os Potenciais Cerebrais relacionados ao Processamento da Linguagem" by Juliana Novo Gomes (CEHUM, Grupo Linguística Teórica e Experimental).
"Figurações da Heroína: releituras da cultura clássica em Hélia Correia" by Sandra Sousa (CEHUM, Grupo 2i).
Zoom (Senha: 066559)
2020-11-17 - 2020-11-17
Scientific get together
Tea Seminars 2020-21 - 1st Session
CEHUM’s Conference Room and Zoom (online), 15pm
"‘Cher’, between the myth of celebrity and the empowerment of minorities. Transmutations of the ‘unruly woman’" by Orquídea Cadilhe (CEHUM, GAPS).
"Gender and Identity in the Short Fiction of Contemporary British Women Writers" by Elena Guerreira Labrador (Literatura Inglesa, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela| GAPS).
2020-03-12 - 2020-03-12
2i Interfaces
'From text to texts' (creative writing workshop)
ILCH Auditorium, 11am
POSTPONEMENT due to COVID-19 outbreak, new date to be announced / ADIADO devido às medidas de contenção do surto de COVID-19, nova data a definir oportunamente
2020-02-17 - 2020-02-17
Scientific get together
Tea Seminars #4
CEHUM’s Conference Room, 15pm–17pm
"The Family Album: Contemporary Representations of Queer Kinship", by Ana Sofia Bessa Carvalho (Doctorate’s degree in Comparative Modernities, GAPS). "Imagens presidenciais nos discursos de tomada de posse nos cem anos da República Portuguesa", by Micaela Aguiar (Doctorate’s degree in Language Sciences, Pradic).
2020-01-20 - 2020-01-20
Scientific get together
Tea Seminars #3
CEHUM’s Conference Room, 15pm
Renata Flaiban (Doctorate’s degree in Comparative Modernities, GAPS): "Para além das ditaduras: resistência e resiliência na literatura infantojuvenil de Lygia Bojunga e Alice Vieira". Bernardo Sacanene (Doctorate’s degree in Language Sciences, Galabra group - UMinho): "Angolanismos e suas polaridades: subsídios para o processamento da linguagem natural".
2019-11-19 - 2019-11-19
Scientific get together
Tea Seminars
CEHUM's Conference Room, 15pm
Regular meetings of PhD researchers, grantees and post-doc researchers from CEHUM projects, aiming at sharing academic experiences and exchanging ideas on ongoing research. Open to all interested researchers and students. Contacts: Sandra Sousa sandra@ilch.uminho.pt / Orquídea Cadilhe ocadilhe@ilch.uminho.pt (non-doctoral members of CEHUM committee) and CEHUM’s board of management dircehum@ilch.uminho.pt
2019-07-08 - 2019-07-13
Summer School
Les Études littéraires aujourd’hui ? Enjeux et atouts d’une indiscipline
Golden Tulip Hotel and Spa, Braga
Call for enrolments until January 15. Organization: APEF/ LÉA ! / CEHUM
Call for Enrolments
2019-04-04 - 2019-04-04
Open Classes: Visiting Professors
Correspondências: Murilo Mendes, Haroldo de Campos and Affonso Ávila
Room 209 – building 1, 11am
By Júlio Castañon Guimarães. Conference under the research project “Correspondências” [Correspondences] by PLP (Portuguese Language Poetics group).
Info (PDF)
2019-02-15 - 2019-02-15
Writing Workshop
ILCH Auditorium, 16pm
By Deborah Shechter (Tel Aviv University). Writing has become a major component in CEFR aligned English courses. Graded writing tasks are now an integral and a significant part of the curriculum. Writing skills involve not only a good knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, but also the ability to write clearly and concisely. This workshop will cover, among others: the elements of a well-written paragraph; the implications of information in the subordinate clause vs. in the main clause; the characteristics of clear and concise sentences; the components of a successful motivation letter. We will first analyze sample independent paragraphs. Then, we will compare paragraph pairs conveying the same information in different types of clauses. We will learn how to revise heavy sentences: eliminate wordiness, minimize nominalizations and passive verbs, avoid buried verbs and put familiar information first. We will also read an inadequate motivation letter, discuss its weaknesses and suggest solutions. Finally, we will examine the revised version of the letter and point out the improvements. This is a worthy skill to acquire, as students may need to write motivation letters when they apply for graduate studies at foreign universities, for scholarships or positions as teaching assistants etc. We will also look at useful Web resources for improving writing skills. This workshop will raise the students’ awareness and encourage them to develop their writing skills independently.
2019-02-12 - 2019-02-12
Designing multiple choice questions and Moodle tests: principles and implementations
University of Minho, ILCH Auditorium, 18pm
By Deborah Azaryad Shechter (Tel-Aviv University)
2018-12-14 - 2018-12-14
Speed Statistics Course
Brief training course on statistics applied to Humanities
Universidade do Minho, Braga
Trainer: Firmino Machado (Doctor and Master in Medicine, Master in Applied Statistics with a postgraduate degree in Data analysis).
2018-12-05 - 2018-12-06
Cycle of Conferences
Interuniversity Cycle of Conferences for young linguists
University of Minho, ILCH Auditorium
Organization: LTE (Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics group) — CEHUM (UMINHO); CLUP (UPORTO)